Saturday, January 9, 2010

By Way of Introduction

The sandwich. I'm certain I'm not alone in saying that if you tallied up the number of times in my life I've eaten a certain type of food, the sandwich would be at (or at least near) the top of the list. Throughout the world - in every country, culture and class - sandwiches, in one form or another, are consumed by the millions every day. I know that in my 34+ years on the planet I've sent literally thousands of these gastronomic wonders down the hatch - some, obviously, better than others. And with thousands more destined to meet the same fate, I want to ensure that only the best sandwiches make the cut. With that in mind, I have joined with a couple of like-minded individuals (my father and brother-in-law, to be specific) in a quest to seek out, discover, analyze and devour the finest sandwiches out there. Our mission is to go far and near in a never-ending quest to ultimately identify the greatest creation in all of sandwichdom.

The purpose of this blog, therefore, is to document our findings for the benefit of sandwich lovers everywhere (or at least any that happen to stumble across this thing in the vast sea that is "the internets"). The plan is to provide photo evidence of each sandwich eaten along with a rating describing each sandwich's awesomeness (or lack thereof, as the case may be). The rating will be on a 50 point scale comprised of 5 scoring categories:

  1. Quantity/Value: What kind of sandwich bang to you get for your hard-earned buck? (5 possible points)
  2. Originality: What (if anything) sets this sandwich apart? (5 possible points)
  3. Appearance: Does this sandwich look like the hamburger on the McDonald's billboard or the actual hamburger that gets slammed into the wax paper and given to you? (10 possible points)
  4. Quality/Freshness: Pretty self-explanatory. Are the ingredients top-shelf and are they fresh? (10 possible points)
  5. Taste: Last, but certainly not least, how good does it taste??? (20 possible points)
The score will obviously be joined by commentary explaining the ratings given and the reasons for them. Alright. I think that's enough book-keeping for now. I'm hungry. Let's get started!

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